
Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Sleep?

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Sleep?

Is there ever a time when your baby is sleeping too much? I know that might sound crazy, especially if you’ve had months or even years of broken s...
Extending Your Baby's Nap Times

Extending Your Baby's Nap Times

Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar…   Your baby wakes up in the morning after a solid night’s sleep. You feed her, change her, play with her...
3 Myths About Sleep Training

3 Myths About Sleep Training

Do you want to know something that really gets me fired up? It's when Mums (either online or in real life) are talking sleep, and I hear comments ...
Seven Shortcuts to Sleeping Through the Night

Seven Shortcuts to Sleeping Through the Night

People often ask me what the secret is to getting a baby to sleep through the night. Of course, there is no ONE secret. Teaching a child healthy s...
Why I Guarantee My Sleep Training Methods Work

Why I Guarantee My Sleep Training Methods Work

I'm sure many parents who come across my services are thinking, 'OK, but will it work?' As a mother of two young children, I remember all too well...
How to Stay Calm When Sleep Training

How to Stay Calm When Sleep Training

Do you yell at your kids? Because hey, full disclosure, I yell at my kids. I lose my patience sometimes. My kids can push me to a point where I...
Baby Won't Lie Down at Night?

Baby Won't Lie Down at Night?

So your baby has learned to stand up! Congratulations on this wonderful milestone! Having said that, a lot of babies run into a bit of an issue when they first learn to stand up; they haven’t learned to get back down yet. This can be an issue overnight, but I've got the solution.
Why You Shouldn't Use Sleep Contraptions

Why You Shouldn't Use Sleep Contraptions

There are all manner of sleep contraptions that promise to help get your child to sleep. Let me explain why, even though they may work, they're actually doing more harm than good in the long run.
How to Cope with Anxiety About Sleep Training

How to Cope with Anxiety About Sleep Training

So you’re on the fence about this whole, “teaching your baby to sleep,” thing. On the one hand, you know that sleep is essential for everyone in yo...
When is the Best Time to Get Rid of the Dummy?

When is the Best Time to Get Rid of the Dummy?

A lot of parents who use soothers/dummies feel a twinge of guilt the first time they stick a dummy in their baby’s mouth. However, dealing with a ...
Getting Your Partner Involved in Sleep Training

Getting Your Partner Involved in Sleep Training

Some advice for how to tackle sleep training as a dual-parenting team. While one parent is usually the primary caregiver, sleep training can be most successful if you are both on the same team, sharing the load and the success!
When Is the Right Time to Sleep Train?

When Is the Right Time to Sleep Train?

There are two things I can pretty much guarantee you when it comes to teaching your baby to sleep through the night. 1. It’s going to be a challen...
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