
How to Make Sleep a Priority This Year

How to Make Sleep a Priority This Year

Hi there. How has 2023 started off for you? I know it's tradition to make your new years resolutions at the very start of the year, but I often f...
Red Light, Blue Light, What's The Big Deal?

Red Light, Blue Light, What's The Big Deal?

I can’t remember where I saw it, but I distinctly recall Matthew McConaughey talking about the simplicity of raising a baby, saying, “They eat, t...
Sleepy False Starts

Sleepy False Starts

I’m guessing we all know what I’m referring to here, and that I’m not using industry jargon when I refer to a “false start,” but just in case, let...
Sleep Training Tips for Additional Needs Children

Sleep Training Tips for Additional Needs Children

I don't think it's controversial to say that bringing up a baby is some seriously, seriously hard work. Think of the hours, the commitment needed, ...
Eight Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety

Eight Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety

Raising kids is a high-stakes responsibility, and in this age of social media and easy access to information about anything and everything... paren...
Is Sleep Training Safe?

Is Sleep Training Safe?

As the parent of a new baby, the number of questions you’re going to find yourself asking are, to put it mildly, astronomical. The old saying a...
Sleep Facts You Need To Know

Sleep Facts You Need To Know

Some facts about sleep… Physiology and the importance of sleep. Surprisingly, we know very little about why humans need to sleep. Infants and youn...
Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Sleep?

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Sleep?

Is there ever a time when your baby is sleeping too much? I know that might sound crazy, especially if you’ve had months or even years of broken s...
Extending Your Baby's Nap Times

Extending Your Baby's Nap Times

Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar…   Your baby wakes up in the morning after a solid night’s sleep. You feed her, change her, play with her...
Why Won't My Baby Sleep?

Why Won't My Baby Sleep?

This is a question I often asked my first son when he was an infant. I asked it in a sweet voice, I asked it in a pleading voice, I asked it in an...
Seven Shortcuts to Sleeping Through the Night

Seven Shortcuts to Sleeping Through the Night

People often ask me what the secret is to getting a baby to sleep through the night. Of course, there is no ONE secret. Teaching a child healthy s...
Why I Guarantee My Sleep Training Methods Work

Why I Guarantee My Sleep Training Methods Work

I'm sure many parents who come across my services are thinking, 'OK, but will it work?' As a mother of two young children, I remember all too well...
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