Q. How does sleep training work?

My program works by helping you to use gentle techniques to teach your child to be able to fall asleep independently. In order for them to be able to sleep well day and night, they need to be able to fall asleep without relying on you to get them to sleep, or to get them back to sleep. My packages include a detailed, personalised sleep plan written for your family, and detailed and personal follow up support for three weeks.


Q. When is the best time to sleep train?

I offer a newborn education session that provides information on what is normal for a newborns sleep, tips for settling and resettling, and all you need to know about a new baby’s sleep.

I offer the more formal ‘sleep training’ from 12 weeks of age … after all, it’s never too early to establish healthy sleep habits for your child. I find that before this age, your baby is less likely to have the capacity to learn what we are teaching them.


Q. Do you use the cry-it-out method? 

No. I use the proven, gentle methods of the Sleep Sense Program to teach your baby/toddler to self-settle and sleep through the night. This means teaching your little one healthy sleep habits, NOT leaving them to cry.


Q. Will my baby cry?

One of the main reasons that parents are worried about sleep training is that their baby might cry. The key word there is “might”! We don’t know if your baby will cry, but the very idea that they may cry is what holds most parents back.

So, will there be tears? Probably. I’m being honest with you – I can’t tell you how long your baby will cry on the first night. But, I can tell you that most of my 900+ clients have said that following my sleep plan and advice was nowhere near as difficult as the nights leading up to getting my help.


Q. Does it really work?

Yes! It can take some time and dedication: consistency is the key. But yes, my sleep programs are tailored to your child, your family, your situation. That gives you the best chance of success at teaching your child healthy sleep habits to get your whole family back to feeling well-rested.


Q. What will I get for my money?

The price of each sleep package reflects the level of expert knowledge and support you will receive. The prices of the sleep support packages are based on my skills, experience, and knowledge built up over my extensive years as a midwife and several years as a certified sleep consultant. I have worked with over 900+ families in my time as a sleep consultant, and I have three kids of my own – trust me, I get it! Sleep training is often a case of 'you get what you pay for', and in my case you're getting all the expertise and support I have to offer.

Honestly, the price of sleep and good health for your family is invaluable. In fact, most of my clients have said that the results are worth every cent and their only regret is that they didn’t hire me sooner! You can’t put a price on a good night’s sleeps, let alone a lifetime of good sleep habits for your child.


Q. Which sleep package is right for me?

Each sleep package is designed for different ages or situations. You can browse the full package range here. To find out more about which package is the best fit for you and your little one, book a free phone consult where can talk about your little one's sleep habits and which package would suit your needs best.


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