
Are You Addicted to the Baby Monitor?

Are You Addicted to the Baby Monitor?

Baby monitors have certainly come a long way! But are you stopping your little one from learning the sleep skills they need by keeping your eyes glued to the monitor any time they're in their cot?
Maintaining Healthy Sleep Habits While Travelling

Maintaining Healthy Sleep Habits While Travelling

When you’re planning a family holiday with a baby, an important thing to consider is how your travel plans are going to affect your child’s sleep...
Can You Sleep Train While Co-Sleeping?

Can You Sleep Train While Co-Sleeping?

I get it. I really do. After all, I’m a mother myself. The absolutely primal and uncontrollable impulse to stay close to your baby is sodeeply ...
Juggling Bedtime Routines

Juggling Bedtime Routines

Bringing a new baby into the house is a glorious, exciting, terrifying occasion, especially when you have one or two already, and it can bring u...
How to Create a Sleep Sanctuary for Your Child

How to Create a Sleep Sanctuary for Your Child

One of the easiest things you can do to help get your child sleeping through the night is to create what I like to call a ‘sleep sanctuary'. What d...
Can You Sleep Train While Breastfeeding?

Can You Sleep Train While Breastfeeding?

When I was expecting my first child, I probably did more reading than I did throughout my entire medical career. I was determined to know everythi...
Attachment Parenting and Sleep Training

Attachment Parenting and Sleep Training

I’m hoping that I might be able to change some minds here today. It won’t be easy, obviously, because when is it ever? But on parenting issues, the...
Eight Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety

Eight Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety

Raising kids is a high-stakes responsibility, and in this age of social media and easy access to information about anything and everything... paren...
Can You Have A Social Life After Sleep Training?

Can You Have A Social Life After Sleep Training?

Congratulations! You’ve taught your little one some independent sleep skills and they’re finally sleeping through the night AND taking long, restfu...
Is Sleep Training Safe?

Is Sleep Training Safe?

As the parent of a new baby, the number of questions you’re going to find yourself asking are, to put it mildly, astronomical. The old saying a...
Ten Nap Time Tips

Ten Nap Time Tips

Argh! Naps sure can get a parent down! Naps that are too short or naps that don’t follow any predictable pattern can make for a tired and grumpy ba...
5 Common Sleep Myths

5 Common Sleep Myths

I can clearly remember, like most mothers I’m sure, the very moment I gave birth to my first child. I was absolutely buried in feelings of love an...
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