Why I Guarantee My Sleep Training Methods Work

I'm sure many parents who come across my services are thinking, 'OK, but will it work?'

As a mother of two young children, I remember all too well the feeling of a baby who doesn't sleep well. The countless night wakings, the short 45 minute naps, a tired and grumpy baby.

From personal and professional experience, I can say that the Sleep Sense methods are incredible! Not only have I used the program with both of my children, I have personally attended a comprehensive certified training program and mentorship with Dana Obleman, the best-selling author and CEO of The Sleep Sense™ Program. Dana’s methods have helped literally hundreds of thousand of parents and children, and I am excited to help your family next!

As parents, I'm sure you've read many books, taken in lots of advice and have probably used a few sleep training methods! So how is this different? Why will the Sleep Sense strategy work?

I can tell you why.

Together we will develop a gentle, easy-to-follow step-by-step plan that is customised to your child's needs. All children are different, and nobody knows a child better than their parents. Unlike Sleep Schools, I will work with you in the comfort of your own home to implement strategies to help your baby self-settle. By doing this, your baby will be equipped to sleep independently, and be less affected by developmental milestones, sleep regressions and teething.

Within the first week of sleep training, you will notice huge improvements in your little one, and by the end of the second week you can expect a full night's sleep.

The current success rate for the The Sleep Sense™ Program sits at 99%. Sleep is vital for our health and well-being, and even more important for young ones as their little bodies grow and develop. Good sleep equals happier children and parents!

So believe me when I tell you that you have everything to gain and nothing to lose! No more sleepless nights, consistent nap times and nap lengths. You can have free time to get things done, to actually drink a whole cup of tea before it goes cold! Doesn't that sound wonderful? It can be a reality.

To talk with me about how I can tackle your specific sleep situation, book your FREE phone consult here!

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