
Red Light, Blue Light, What's The Big Deal?

Red Light, Blue Light, What's The Big Deal?

I can’t remember where I saw it, but I distinctly recall Matthew McConaughey talking about the simplicity of raising a baby, saying, “They eat, t...
How Light and Darkness Affect Sleep

How Light and Darkness Affect Sleep

Quick, without looking it up, what’s the opposite of nocturnal? We all know what nocturnal means, right? Animals that sleep in the day and do most...
Physical Activity & Your Child's Sleep

Physical Activity & Your Child's Sleep

I doubt that I’m overreaching by saying that the last year has brought about some significant challenges for, well, pretty much every single person...
The Benefits of Sleep

The Benefits of Sleep

Sleep has always been, and will likely continue to be, a bit of a mystery. From an evolutionary standpoint, it seems like something that we shou...
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